Thursday, August 12, 2010

Prayers for the broken

Dear Lord,

My heart is hurting, hurting for so many reasons, and you know why, you know all things and that helps to ease my heart and mind and give me peace, knowing that you are all knowing.

God I just fall on my knees before you, I give up, I give it all to you. I can't do this alone, and I know you always promised you'd be there God, that you'd never give me a burden so heavy and lonesome that I would carry it all by myself. You knew I would never be able to carry these heavy weights on my own and so you come alongside me and send people here on earth to walk down the dark paths with me, as your lanterns in my life. Thank you God for all those people.

Thank you God for you hand holding steady on my heart and and in my life. You are my one constant, in you I hope, believe, and endure all things because I know that you will never leave me or forsake me.

Thank you God for the times in my life when I felt most alone and afraid, because in those moments you showed yourself to me in awesome and wonderful ways and helped remind me that even when I don't feel you there, you are there, in the darkest moments of my life you shone forth your light into my life, I will always be amazed and in awe and praise you for that moment, for all those moments in my life, Thank you God.

God the future is uncertain, there are so many things that I think about, worry about, wanting so much more than I already have. God I ask that you calm my mind, my fears for things seen now and things yet to come. Give my heart peace and rest that I know I can only find in you, in your presence God. Take the worries from me, I give them all to you and lay them at your feet, knowing you are the one who can take them away and I never have to worry again, but you know I will God, and I just ask for forgiveness in those times when I worry and struggle, I pray that you will show that to me so that I will give everything over to you. God I want more, I am selfish and I know that you have already given me so much in this life. Help me to be more thankful and not take for granted all that you have given me, open my eyes, my mind and heart when I find myself in the depths of this.

God I thank you for my marriage, for my husband, who you so obviously put here on earth for me to meet. I praise you for knowing just what I needed in a man, in a partner that I prayed for and you brought him into my life in the midst of so much pain and uncertainty, you always knew what was best for me. God teach me to let go of control of my life and my marriage to you, for you are the only one strong enough to carry and sustain it through all things. I praise you for bringing Jake and I through one of the darkest points in our marriage. Even in the pit of depression and anxiety, you were working in our marriage, in our lives and I see that now, please forgive me when I did not see it sooner.
God we would have never made it through those days without you, and I don't know why we tried. I am so amazed by the grace and mercy you've shown to us and continue to show to us through everything. You are amazing God! You continue to fill our lives with blessings. Blessings in the form of people, places, and so many things too numerous to name. Thank you God for being a God who gives, as well as a God who takes away, for in all those things we can see your hand guiding us as we walk the road you've laid out before us.

God I just pray that you will mend broken hearts, bring peace where there needs peace and understanding too. Please protect the hearts and lives of the people around me, I lift them all to you. You know all their thoughts, and unspoken words. You know all their hearts and brokenness in and through their lives right now God. You know their praises and songs to you, you know every meaning of every tear cried, you know them God. You know what they need more than I do. I know your heart hurts when they hurt and all I ask is for you to surround them with your grace, mercy and love. The love that only comes from you Lord God.

I love you so much God, Holder of my heart.


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