Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Feeling the need for Change

Lately been feeling that feeling where something needs to change in my life, or is it in our life together? (no worries, we are still together) Got the feeling a few weeks ago when I was texting my mom, and she said "I was talking to Candice, (my sister) and we think you'd make a really great birth photographer, have you ever thought about doing that?" This was interesting, because I had just been talking to Jake about that not even two days before that, and said "I think it would be awesome to be able to be a birth photographer, and photograph babies coming into the world!" I was joking totally NOT joking.

 I got the feeling that something needed to change when Jake and I had a conversation about our future, about what that looked like, about how we would get there, about babies and the desires of our hearts and all that jazz. We talked about things I had been praying about for a long time, and I just needed to hear my husbands thoughts on things, to gain perspective on things that I thought maybe I was "alone" in.

 I got that feeling again today when I was at work and and I just posted it out on Facebook for the whole "world" to see it. I asked for thoughts and prayers because I am feeling like I am being called, led to a change, to something different.

The thing is, I have been having this feeling for a long while now. It comes and goes, but I don't know what the change is (okay, I think I DO know), or if it's even what I am/we are supposed to be doing.

 I guess I am asking for your thoughts, your prayers on the the possible changes. I need to know that this is something that I am supposed to be doing, that I am headed in the right direction, that these feelings are coming from a good place, a TRUE place, that they are from God and not just because it's something I am humanly searching for. I want to know that I am following God's lead, that I am going where He's taking me, and not just because I so selfishly long for something more. I know God is the Creator. He's the writer of my story, a story that I am a part of. I am trusting Him, trusting his story for me, his story for me and my husband, to lead us to that next change; whatever it is, whenever it is, wherever that may be.

Please pray for us. With us. We are so blessed to have some amazing people in our lives that love us, and that we love so dearly, that would do anything for us, and we humbly ask for prayers for guidance, for truth, for God's will to be done in and through our lives and marriage and that these changes would be a blessing. We know God longs to bless us. He knows the desires of our hearts


(Courtesy of Mandie Gorsuch)


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