Monday, May 20, 2013

Be Still My Soul

This is my prayer today.

That I am so still that I will be able to hear that still, small voice.

That in the stillness I will hear answers to prayers being prayed.

That I will be able to rest in the stillness, to just be.

To be present, to be fully aware.

Filled with joy.

So full of joy.

To be so thankful and grateful for all the blessings in my life.

That this stillness will just let me live and breathe in all of these blessings, the big and so encompassing and the so very little.

That I may appreciate this life that has been given, so much more than I have been.

To not take for granted these moments, because they are passing me by all too quickly.

That I will live fully in His promises and reside and rest in the peace and stillness only He can give.


(Music/Song by Kari Jobe)

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