Wednesday, December 15, 2010

There stands a little Christmas Tree...

..... looks a lot like Charlie Brown’s.

Well pretty close, a little "nicer" but still humble in it's own right

Took some pictures of the most beautiful, humble, little tree standing in the living room of my one bedroom apartment on Douglas Avenue.

Well, I think it's beautiful.

It's simple and not fussy and showcases some ornaments that Jake and I have gotten from others or collected over the years.

This tree holds a lot of memories already; it's got some big "memory" shoes to fill I can tell you that.

New memories. The owl ornament I purchased from Pier 1. I got a great deal on it, and fell in love! I just love owls. Can't get enough. Seriously, I am obsessed! I might need help, I'll let you know. Some sparkly, shiny glass ornaments, I drool. Really. We begin new memories of our own with these on our tree. Fabulous.

Old Memories.

The clear plastic stars, given to us by Jake's mom for Christmas last year, we called them "throwing stars," they're sharp and pointy, but boy do they ever sparkle on that tree.

The Faith ornament, given to me by my parents, it's my middle name, and means so much more to me than just the middle name given to me. It's the basis of my belief. In my trust in God.

Hebrews 11:1 (The Message)

1The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see.

The red wagon. I am told it was the first Christmas ornament ever given to me. It hangs on our tree every year. It will hang on that tree every year, as long as it lasts. The red wagon. It's the ornament that started the giving of all the other ornaments, and for that I am forever thankful.

We are blessed in the fact that we get to decorate OUR tree with these ornaments and so many others! We get to make new memories around a tree filled to the brim with such great memories already.

Memories that are ours. Together. Around our little Charlie Brown tree.

I cherish those memories already. I know they are fleeting and for a moment and oh how I cherish them! Someday there will be so much more going on in our lives, God willing there will be children and we will share even more memories and noise and laughter around the tree. There will be chaos and going here and there....and so now, right now, I take in these moments, breathe them in deeply and savor them.

Simple moments. Sharing life, and love and laughter, just the two of us.


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